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Art washes the dust of everyday life from the soul.

Pablo Picasso


It's the shoeless ones who walk with us every step of the way. It is those without money who give us what is priceless.

That's why I specialized in drawing animals. With a lot of love I create memories of those who give us the most.

My name is Jasmin, I am 29 years old, mother of a son and i live in central Germany.

I've been drawing since I was a child - starting with pictures for family and friends. As time went by, more and more orders came in. The joy in people's eyes, when they saw my art has always been something very special for me and has also made me infinitely proud! That's why I dare to take the step and built a business as a professional artist.


I specialize in realistic petportraits and fanart. Since 2018 I have been drawing professional animal portraits according to customer orders - and successfully. I've been allowed to draw countless of your pets.


Since 2021 I've added another area to my repertoire: Because I'm a 90s kid, I started to draw Pokémons - but not as you know them, but in Realistic, to get them alive, make the Pokémon world come true and let the hearts of true fans beat faster.



Our pets are our special favorites, whether dogs, cats or horses. I pride myself on creating realistic and professional portraits that you will enjoy for years to come. ⁠

Using high quality material and my drawing techniques, I create the texture of the fur that looks like real.


The eyes are the gateway to the soul, which is why it is particularly important to me to draw them as realistically and expressively as possible. Capturing character is the goal of my work. The sparkle in your eyes when you hold my drawing in your hands is priceless to me and the reason why I love my work so much. ​


Every drawing of mine, whether it's a pet drawing or a cute illustration, is created with great attention to detail and wonderful, hard work by hand. ​


With a drawing you don't just buy a drawing - you get much more than just an object. You get years of hard work, hundreds of hours of mistakes, experiments. Years of frustration and moments of pure joy.


You receive a piece of my heart, my identity, a piece of my life - my story.


You receive a small part of me that fills you, just like me, with happiness. ♥ ​

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